Recently there has been records of racism in Ukraine. Racial discrimination is not something we should ever tolerate as Christians. God has instructed us to not be respecters of people(Acts 10:34).
Romans 10:12- For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
To whoever is reading this, I just want to say that I am writing this because it is something very close to my heart, and I want to appeal to you to join me in prayer.
Racism in Eastern Europe is not something new or recent but has definitely been highlighted in times of conflict. As we know from previous historical events, war exposes the total depravity of man.
There are signs of compassion and generosity across the world. People all over put up Ukrainian flags, symbolising the ongoing support worldwide for those suffering at the hands of the Russian army. Yet within the horrific situation in Ukraine there is another deep rooted problem breaking to the surface, a problem that is not unique to Ukraine. Evident in statements by the Ukrainian ambassador to the UK who has admitted that his nation was prioritising Ukrainans over foreigners.
As someone stated ‘Even in times of war, they have time for racism.’ I have seen videos of Africans being abused, being treated as second-class citizens, I even saw a pregnant lady being pushed of the train to make room for white Ukrainians. While we must continue to pray for all in Ukraine whose lives are under threat, it is important not to neglect the need to pray for those left trapped and at great risk due to racial discrimination.
As we pray for Ukraine, we must also remember to pray for God to remove any demonic spirits that are spreading racial discrimination across the land.
I’m heartbroken because worldwide we have come together to discuss Ukraine and have fallen into the ‘dangers of a single story.’ I, have promised myself that I would #knowmore, as a journalist, I am learning to listen more than speak and write. I am sure that you are with me in this, that you too have a heart for godly justice and that you are praying for God to take care of His lost sheep. My hope is that we can take on God’s kind heart and do what we can to break generational curses. I know that you are willing and available to be used in God’s Kingdom to care for those that are near, far and different from us.
We as the church have been reformed and we do not conform to the standards of the world- we are here to be used by Jesus to love those who have received little mercy on Earth.
Another thing we must consider whilst praying is that Ukraine like much of the western world has a growing neo nazi population. African student, Stanley Tany was chased by neo nazis and he went to Ukraine’s police station to receive help. Unfortunately, Stanley was not helped but was forced out.
What we must do is realise that grace is needed for all. We must also recognise that there is one race in Christ Jesus. The gospel itself gives us hope that though the world is a place of hurt and injustice, our Lord is the one who executes justice for the oppressed. In Christ we are brought into one family, one people, one race, by grace and there is a reminder that we are no longer bound by the system the world has put us in. Jesus has opened our eyes and given us a love for righteousness, urging us to pray for grace to those who suffer injustice and those who cause it.
Psalm 146:6-8
Who made heaven and earth,
The Sea and everything that is in them;
Who keeps faith forever;
Who executes justice for the oppressed;
Who gives food for the hungry.
The Lord frees the prisoners.
The Lord opens the eyes of those who are blind;
The Lord raises up those who are bowed down;
The Lord loves the righteous.
I have spoken to Ukrainians, I have spoken to those in the #AfricansinUkraine movement and through this I have become very aware of how quick people are to help ‘their own’. I know that the Lord says we are all the same but I don’t always see it with actions.
If you wish to know more about the Africans in Ukraine situation,click here .
To support Africans displaced in Ukraine click here.
To read my article about the organisation #BlackForeigners in Ukraine click here or copy and paste this link into a browser :
If you want to know more about the conversations I have been having then please feel free to reach out to me(
If I could leave you with one thing it is to remember to look into every situation with prayerful eyes, let not our flesh divide us.
Prayer Points
Pray for God to save the lost worldwide.
Pray for racism to flee our nations.
Pray for wisdom in what we watch and read to discern how to pray.
Pray for physical and spiritual freedom in the name of Jesus.
Pray for kindness and compassion across Europe.
Pray for Ukraine and Russia to be restored for God’s glory.
Pray for the students and families experiencing trauma at borders due to racism.