Source:@Taylor Turtle
Ethiopia maintains that they are managing the crisis in the Tigray region. However, U.S President Biden on Wednesday (26/5/22) called for an end to the ‘escalating violence.’
Source:@Taylor Turtle
Ethiopia maintains that they are managing the crisis in the Tigray region. However, U.S President Biden on Wednesday (26/5/22) called for an end to the ‘escalating violence.’
The shadow war between Ethiopia and the Tigray region started on November 4th 2020. Betu Bushen, public Ethiopian ambassador, says that ‘the war stopped at 3 weeks then it’s not really a war … it’s like a guerrilla fight.’
‘The Ethiopian government is working day and night. TPLF (Tigray People’s Liberation Front) has damaged roads and other infrastructure in Tigray regions… the government is re-establishing the nation again’. Bushen states that Ethiopia has invested more than $1 billion dollars into the country for this purpose.
Bushen and others involved with the Ethiopian embassy in the UK are confident that this conflict is just temporary. The Ethiopian embassy assembled different religious groups for ‘peace and reconciliation’ throughout this period of war.
‘The plan of the embassy is to bring peace amongst ourselves... so we can challenge our country’ Bushen admits that the efforts provided by the Ethiopian embassy in the UK are ‘ok’ but not powerful.
Bushen also claimed that the Ethiopian government was working to better the nation.
‘There is an organisation called the ministry of peace. Through the ministry of peace all religions worked with the government… to bring different parties into unity with Ethiopia. This is without taking any sides.’
The embassy has claimed that the Ethiopian government has plans to rebuild the Tigray community. The Ethiopian government has attempted to take the necessary steps to ‘address human rights abuses’ caused by the TPLF.
‘The first major human rights abuse and atrocity to be reported in this regard has been the atrocity committed in Maikadra, resulting in the death of hundreds of civilians by youth organized, enabled and assisted by the TPLF militia. The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission has conducted a thorough investigation of the matter and has released its preliminary findings in a report.’
Biden appealed for peace and security in Ethiopia. ‘The United States urges Ethiopia’s leaders and institutions to promote reconciliation, human rights, and respect for widespread famine.’
As a consequence, more than 100,000 protesters appeared in Addis Ababa on Sunday 30th June, responding to Biden’s ‘interference.’ The anti-USA gathering was organised by the Ethiopian Youth Ministry. Some protesters held placards of Putin or Xi Jinping, recognising China’s and Russia’s support for Ethiopia.
Biden is moved to ban Ethiopian officials and leaders from gaining visas to the US if they do not yield to a ceasefire. The protesters state that they are unwilling to ‘kneel down.’